
This semester, I’ve noticed that I have been reading more often than I can remember. It’s for a class, though, so it’s not like I’ve taken an initiative and started reading on my own. I’m not at that point yet. Thankfully, the book is phenomenal. It’s probably the best book I’ve ever had to read for school. The book is Atlas Shrugged. For those who don’t know what Atlas Shrugged is or know its background, it is one of the most popular books the world has ever seen. It is listed as the second-most influential book ever, right behind the Bible. It was published in 1957 and it took Ayn Rand 10 years to write. Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged are both seen as very controversial by many. Of course, the book is riddled with politically sensitive material, depending on which side of the political scale you belong to. I, however, love the book and everything it has to offer: its message, the quality of writing, and the story itself.

I missed reading a quality book. I missed sitting outside on a sunny, warm day and reading a book without a single care in the world. It’s peaceful. Maybe it’s because I associate it with sitting on a beach during some sort of vacation, but who cares? Reading is great and it is great for you. It expands your vocabulary and depending on which books you read, it alters how you think of the world. It alters your perceptions and expands your horizons. It’s not every day that you want to dig into an 1100-page book, but if you ever think about reading it, do it. I’d give it a 10/10. It is a completely unpredictable book. I have also told myself that I would read for pleasure more from now on, but we’ll see how that goes.

Moral of the story: read, and read a lot. It’s better for us which makes it better for the world.

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