Just an observation

One of my biggest pet peeves is when you’re out for drinks or dinner with some friends and a few of your friends are constantly checking their phones. That just bothers me. Why would you want to be there and yet, not be there? If you’re out with friends, be out with friends. At this point, it doesn’t even anger me anymore. It’s more of a growing concern now because as I look around restaurants, I see all the people who are doing the exact same thing. When did this become such a huge problem? I feel as if it happened overnight and suddenly, boom. Everywhere.

This is something I feel very passionately about. In my opinion, it is contributing to the degradation of society. People don’t seem to value other people anymore. They don’t seem to understand how important friends are as well as how important it is to be a good friend. The worst part about it is when you point out to your friend that it’s rude to bring out their phone, they get very defensive and angry. Maybe I’m one of the few that feels this way – not sure. However, here’s the solution: when you arrive at the restaurant or bar or wherever, establish that the first person to pull out their phone has to buy the next round for everyone. It solves everything instantly. I strongly believe that this is one of those behaviors that needs to stop. When you’re in the room, be in the room.

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